Archive for August 5th, 2008

Mobile blogging

August 5, 2008

This is definitely a new experience, but could prove to be useful when we’re out and about. Phone blogging is pretty cool. The photos seems to  upload a little differently, but beggers can’t be choosers. At least it’ll get us blogging when otherwise we wouldn’t be.

We’re going to be driving across country in December, and you’ll be seeing plenty of these posts along the way. We’re taking Diego with us (but no kitties of course). It should prove to be a fun trip.

This past weekend we went to William’s sister’s anniversary party and it’s about a three hour drive, so we decided to stay over. We brought diego with us. He did really well. We were very proud of him. He even hung out with Bunny, William’s brother’s black lab, and they got along really well.

Here’s a few photos from our hotel room. This hotel is awesome and pet friendly. And our room had Saltillo tile, our favorite!